8 of August 2016

KULIMA together with partners develops actions to promote education in the dissemination of renewable energy

KULIMA, in partnership with other organizations, has developed a number of actions to promote education in the dissemination of renewable energy, including the training of students in Maputo City schools and the organization of a regional workshop.

Training actions in environmental and energy clubs in schools

On 14 July, KULIMA has enabled the environmental and energy clubs of the community secondary schools 04 October and Santo Antonio da Malhangalene, after having done it previously in primary schools Polana Canico EPC and EPC Maguiguana.


In this training, the Eco-friendly clubs had information on ways to mitigate climate change, such as tree planting, sustainable use of energy through improved cookstoves which save firewood and coal, among others.

So far, KULIMA has already created 10 clubs within the Southern region in which held activities with schools. Children are an excellent vehicle for transmitting information and knowledge. It is important that they receive this information from a very young age to grow with the awareness of how to preserve nature and thus live in a better world.


According to participants, the received information will be disseminated in schools where children are placed, in their families and in the communities where they live in order to change behavior for the benefit of the nature. "The little ones showed that just learning how to make it we get far. They forgot the school desks and scattered in their communities to produce stoves in poor families who use wood in Maputo City. " said the Organisation.


Besides being cheap and made of local materials, these stoves have positive impact on the environment and families’ health for emiting less smoke and prevent different respiratory or eye diseases, related with smoke inhalation.

Regional workshop to discuss the role of education in promoting sustainable energy

in partnership with FEDESMO and Naturvernforbundet (Friends of the Earth Norway), organized a regional workshop to discuss the role of education in promoting sustainable energy,  on 2 and 3 August in Xai-Xai Beach, in Gaza. Topics related to the environment should be a compulsory subject in educational institutions.


To achieve the purpose of promoting the sustainable use of resources available in nature without destroying the ecosystem, the 20% allocation of operating revenue from resources to communities’ strategy has been used. This incentive helps people to understand the need for environmental preservation in each region.

During the meeting it was unanimous that there is room to address issues related to renewable energy and the environment in different subjects and was highlighted the importance of making the connection to the community. At the end of the workshop, a six month regional action plan was drawn up to enhance the activities that have been developed on energy and environment promotion, especially with schools.


KULIMA has been developing an intense work with educational institutes, including classes from Class 4 to 12 of Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane Provinces, which makes reference to the popular expression "it's from very little that the cucumber is twisted."

This workshop was attended by organizations, schools, Municipal Council, Universities and Government Institutions working on energy and climate change areas of Maputo, Gaza and Inhambane. Environmental protection associations, such as Associação Amigo da Natureza (ANA), from Gaza, Associação Cultural de Desenvolvimento Sustentável de Inhambane (ACUDES) and Livaningo, were also present at the meeting.

For more information about KULIMA please consult the website here

Source and Images © KULIMA