31 of May 2021

ALER and AMER formalize their partnership in May

ALER and AMER - Mozambican Renewable Energy Association, formalized in May the signing of a Partnership Protocol.


AMER and ALER, have been working together since the formation of AMER in various activities and have organized public events that provided interesting debates on renewable energies in Mozambique, as you can read in this month's editorial signed by the president of AMER.


Within the scope of this protocol, AMER and ALER made a commitment to continue to work together in various activities in the sector and to increase efforts to maintain the LERenováveis ​​Moçambique page and also to work together in planning their activities and at the service of its members.


Some activities are already being carried out together with its associated members such as the Working Groups, and more activities and events are planned to be organized soon in order to promote renewable energies.


Within the scope of this partnership, it is also foreseen the ALER capacity building support for the future Executive Director currently in a recruitment process. Read more about the Executive Director job description and about the Financial Manager job description.


Both associations have made an agreement and will offer a 20% promotional discount on the annual fee and on the entry fee (applicable only to AMER) to to all who wish to join both Associations, and a 10% discount to companies and individual persons who are already Member of one Association and want to be Member of the other Association.


To become our member, send us the Application Form duly completed and signed to geral@aler-renovaveis.org.


AMER's mission is to promote renewable energy sources in Mozambique and aims to play a crucial role in coordinating the representation and defending the common interests of all members and serve as an essential instrument for the participation and awareness of the valorisation of the natural resources of renewable energy for the sustainable development of Mozambique.


For more information, see https://amer.org.mz.