22 of September 2022

ALER is hiring a Financial and Administrative Manager

ALER is looking for a Financial and Administrative Manager to take up their duties as soon as possible, starting in the first half of October:


The role description, profile that we are looking as well as the details of our offer is available here.


Interested candidates must complete the questionnaire available at this link until the 30th of September.


Please note that the applications analysis will consider the answers to the questionnaire, where candidates must also upload their CV and motivation letter.


Please do not send your application directly by email. We emphasize that we will give great importance to the motivation letter, so we encourage you to send a customized letter where you indicate how your profile is suited to the role.


If you have any questions, you can contact us by email at geral@aler-renovaveis.org.


Thank you for your interest in ALER and we hope to be able to count on you pretty soon!