29 of June 2021

ALER and AMER Working Group comment on the Mozambique Electricity Law revision proposal

ALER, in partnership with AMER - Mozambican Renewable Energy Association, are participating on the review of the Electricity Law in Mozambique.


This process started with the participation in the consultation process of the draft of the Regulation for the access to off-grid energy in Mozambique, which culminated with the sending of comments to ARENE - Mozambique Energy Regulatory Authority. Read more here.


In early June, AMER received the draft of the Electricity Law and a request for analysis and comments from the Energy Sector Working Group (ESWG). In response to this request, AMER in partnership with ALER organized a working group with its Members for analysis and comments that were later compiled by AMER's legal counsel.


After sharing with the ESWG, ALER and AMER will continue to work together for the final discussion and collection of the final opinion of their Members to then send the comments directly to the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy as well as request a meeting to present them.


To join these working groups and thus have access to the document, review it, send your comments and ensure that they will arrive and will be analyzed just become a Member of ALER and AMER. Learn how you can become a Member here.


It is on these occasions that the role of Associations is most relevant, as platforms for coordination and spokesperson for the interests of the private sector, working together with all stakeholders to achieve a regulatory environment favourable to investment and that allows for increased access to energy in general and renewables in particular.