4 of May 2016

Guinea-Bissau and the United Nations sign new Partnership Framework Agreement

The Guinea-Bissau/UN Partnership Framework 2016-2020 (UNPAF) was signed on April 28th by the Minister of External Relations, Cooperation and Communities, Ambassador Artur Silva and the Special Representative of the Secretary General, Mr Miguel Trovoada, on behalf of the UN system.  The UNPAF represents the UN integrated system’s contribution to the National Development Plan, Terra Ranka, articulating National priorities for reform and sustainable economic and human development.
The four pillars agreed with the Government are:  

a) Democratic Governance and rule of law: including defense, security and justice sector reform, consolidation of Rule of law, democratic participation, and equitable access to opportunities for all;

b) Inclusive and sustainable economic growth, to promote poverty reduction, decent jobs, food security, and the structural transformation of the economy;

c) Equitable, sustainable access for all citizens to basic services (health, education, water and sanitation, and the eradication of HIV/AIDS;

d) Sustainable and equitable management of natural resources, including climate change adaptation in partnership with Government, Civil Society Organizations, and the private sector; disaster risk reduction and response. 

The UNPAF provides an important opportunity for the UN to further its support to the Guinea Bissau people to consolidate peace, build resilience, strengthen democratic institutions and promote the equitable development of Guinea-Bissau.

It provides a basis for accelerating the 2030 Global Agenda and the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.  

The estimated cost of the UNPAF is US$340 million of which 28% has already been mobilized.

As an integrated framework it includes the UN Funds and Programmes and specialized agencies – UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, UNWOMEN, UNAIDS, FAO, WHO, UNHCR, OHCHR, UNHABITAT, UNESCO, ILO, UNIDO, UNOPS – and the UN Integrated Peacebuilding Mission (UNIOGBIS).