31 of May 2019

Implementation of GET FiT Program Expected for 2020

In April 2019, a mission from KfW undertook the appraisal of the "GET FiT Mozambique Program” with the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy (MIREME).


The Program, to be initiated early 2020, aims at providing transitional support to unlock private investments in renewable energy (RE) projects by reducing risks, improving the attractiveness of the investment environment, increasing institutional capacity, and building a track record of successfully implemented projects, while minimizing costs.


Based on a Feasibility and Design Study, it was agreed to focus on 130 MW dispatchable RE power generation projects, i.e., Solar PV plus storage and small hydro power plants. These projects to be procured competitively in three rounds, through a tendering process organized by the GET FiT Mozambique Procurement Committee in a reverse auction, shall be located at critically constrained load centres to increase and improve reliability of power supply and to minimize losses. Wind power and biomass could also be considered for procurement round 3 of the Program.


The location of the generation projects shall be in the Northern and the Central of the country, where insufficient or unreliable energy supply and loss of power due to long transmission and distribution lines are constant challenges.


Close cooperation with every other donor-financed project aiming at mobilizing private investments into power generation in Mozambique is essential in order to harmonize and standardize processes and avoid duplication.


Source and Image © GETFiT Moz